A Comparative- Contrastive Analysis in Teaching Grammar of a Foreign Language (On the Example of the English Perfect)

  • Veliyeva Susanna Raipovna Assistant at the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Keywords: teaching method, comparative analysis, perfect, diachronically, primary meaning, transposition


The article examines the use of comparative analysis in teaching foreign language grammar using the English perfect as an example. On the one hand, such an analysis will reveal the history of the studied grammatical form's emergence and development, as well as the evolution of its semantics and the identification of its diachronic primary meaning; on the other hand, such an analysis will reveal the history of the studied grammatical form's emergence and development, as well as the evolution of its semantics and the identification of its diachronic primary meaning. The main task of this method is to identify typologically similar phenomena in two languages, native and foreign, to formulate the universal meaning of perfection and, relying on similar peripheral phenomena of the native language, by comparing and contrasting to help students understand the essence of the studied grammatical category.


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How to Cite
Raipovna, V. S. (2021). A Comparative- Contrastive Analysis in Teaching Grammar of a Foreign Language (On the Example of the English Perfect). Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(10), 10-13. https://doi.org/10.47494/cajlpc.v2i10.210