The Linguistic Features of Phraseologies That Arise Under the Interaction of Cultures

  • Oxunova Shaxnoza Qodirovna Assistant, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: artistic composition, Webster dictionary, copper idioms, semantic groups, Homonymic lexicon, oral speech, idioms, Phraseological units


The study of phraseology in linguaculturology is a topical and controversial issue today. To identify the national and cultural features of phraseologies, to clearly and objectively highlight their differences and similarities, it is important to first study the history of their origin, sources, ie etymology. This article provides information on the linguistic analysis of idiomatic expressions and the structure of the semantics of the English somatic lexicon.


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How to Cite
Qodirovna, O. S. (2021). The Linguistic Features of Phraseologies That Arise Under the Interaction of Cultures. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(12), 8-11.