Cultural Features of Phraseological Units in French and Uzbek Languages

  • Nazarova Ozoda Shavkatovna Teacher, The Uzbek State World Languages University
Keywords: phraseological units, cultural features, traditional names, national folklore


In this scientific article we try to determine the national-cultural features of phraseological units, the study of their etymology and the study of their dynamic changes in the diachronic aspect are of particular importance. As we know, in phraseology the opposition of synchrony and diachrony is not justified, because “the specificity of the phraseological unit is such that, even when studying this unit in the synchronous plan, we always have before it its genetic source - free or lexically stable (non phraseological) combination, from which it is impossible to completely disengage". A semasiological study of phraseological units requires an indispensable study of their origin, because without appropriate comments on their constituent components, it is difficult to identify their semantics and national-cultural characteristics.


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How to Cite
Shavkatovna, N. O. (2022). Cultural Features of Phraseological Units in French and Uzbek Languages. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(8), 1-4. Retrieved from