The Main Features of Organizing Students’ Independent Work in The Educational Process

  • Hayitova Shakhnoza Daniyarovna a teacher of the Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” at SamSTI
Keywords: education, creative, degree, criteria, knowledge, skills, competence, independent education, independent work, degrees of education


In this article it is outlined that the main features, methods of organizing students' independent study, the types and objectives of independent learning. It also reveals the levels and criteria of independent learning activities, the stages of implementation of independent learning in the educational process, the ways of developing skills and competence of working independently, as well as the degrees of independent learning


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How to Cite
Hayitova Shakhnoza Daniyarovna. (2021). The Main Features of Organizing Students’ Independent Work in The Educational Process. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(2), 16-21.