Current State Of Copper Smelting Slags And Their Processing: A Review

  • Alamova Gulbahor Khamroevna Student of Mining and Metallurgical Faculty, Tashkent State Technical University
  • Khojiev Shokhrukh Toshpulatovich Senior teacher of department of Metallurgy, Tashkent State Technical University
  • Okhunova Roziya Khamroevna Head of the Mining Department of Zarafshan Industrial College
Keywords: slags, depletion process, sulphidation of oxidized compounds, magnetite reduction, bubbling of a bath, coalescence of small particles, poor matte, waste product


 The review article is devoted to the current state and ways of solving one of the most pressing and complex problems in copper metallurgy - the reduction of irrecoverable losses of metal with dump slags and the creation of environmental technology. A comprehensive solution to the problem with the use of physicochemical methods of influence on the melt is proposed. It is shown that the success of the depletion process depends on the sulfiding of oxidized copper compounds, the reduction of magnetite in the slag to wustite, and the creation of conditions for the coalescence of fine drops of matte. Creating these conditions makes it possible to reduce the residual concentration of copper to the level applied. This can be obtained poor matte, which is processed by pouring them into a melting furnace. Depleted slag is waste products and can be implemented in the construction industry. In fact, this makes it possible to abandon the creation of slag heaps


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How to Cite
Alamova Gulbahor Khamroevna, Khojiev Shokhrukh Toshpulatovich, & Okhunova Roziya Khamroevna. (2021). Current State Of Copper Smelting Slags And Their Processing: A Review. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(2), 49-55.