Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC <p align="justify"><em><strong>Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2660-6828">(ISSN: 2660-6828)</a></strong> is aimed at researchers who love reading and are interested in interpreting and discussing culturally significant articles.&nbsp; Researchers will study important texts drawn from global literature, philosophy, music, religion, and cultural theory, based on their own interests and preferences, and engage in careful analysis and the development of their interpretative skills.&nbsp; Researchers can publish their articles on the topic of poetry, fiction, philosophical works, religious texts, and other culturally important topics as well. Philosophy and cultural topics they can do research. This Journal is organized and run under open access policy by Central Asian Studies Publishing.</em></p> Central Asian Studies en-US Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture 2660-6828 Advanced spatial analysis and visualization using GIS and digital mapping technologies https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC/article/view/1182 <p>Maps have always been essential for representing diverse places and phenomena, evolving from paper to digital formats with technological advancements. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) enhance this by offering precise, digitized spatial data analysis, crucial for solving environmental and social challenges. Integrating surveys, computation, mathematics, and statistics, GIS converts geographic data into digital formats, facilitating accurate, efficient data management and analysis. This technology is invaluable for public services and infrastructure development, providing easy-to-use tools with quick outputs, addressing economic and environmental concerns. The science of cartographic modeling simplifies complex phenomena, aiding in the creation of accurate, testable hypotheses and spatial analyses. Modern GIS applications, like ArcGIS, enable thematic mapping and data manipulation, crucial for visualizing spatial patterns and relationships. This integration of GIS and information technology results in high-quality, realistic simulations, significantly impacting spatial studies and practical problem-solving.</p> Azhar Hussein Razuqi Copyright (c) 2024 Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 5 3 61 68 Unlocking the Power of Speech in Literature https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC/article/view/1183 <p>This article explores the means of expression of speech in literary texts, focusing on the stylistic traits as described by both foreign and domestic linguists. The primary qualities of literary texts are examined through the theoretical works of V.V. Vinogradov, I.P. Galperin, I.V. Arnold, L.S. Barkhudarov, and V.N. Komissarov. Current theories lack comprehensive analysis of the dynamic interplay between language resources and stylistic devices in literary texts. The aim of this research is to define and analyze the stylistic devices used in literary texts and their role in creating artistic expression. Methods include analysis and synthesis of theoretical material and literature review. Results highlight the unique structural elements and functional styles of artistic texts, emphasizing the integral role of the author's image and the cohesive structure of narrative elements. These findings enhance understanding of the aesthetic and cognitive functions of literary style and offer insights into the application of stylistic devices in literary analysis. The study suggests further research into the applicability of these models across different literary genres and languages.</p> Mukhiba Bakhadirova Copyright (c) 2024 Mukhiba Bakhadirova 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 5 3 69 75 10.17605/cajlpc.v5i3.1183