Analysis of Effective Ways to Develop Students' Environmental Culture in Foreign Language Teaching

  • Obidova Gulmira Kuzibaevna PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Fergana polytechnic institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: environmental education, forecasting, ecological competence


The article highlights the modes of ecological education in learning foreign languages in the teaching of modern science, and there is the adjustment of the educational process with the necessary consistent focus on apparent goals. Also discusses modern approaches of developing of ecological culture of future being a specialist, new approaches to the process of professional training of students from an environmental point of view, the effectiveness of methods of teaching ecology in English, in taking of environmental competencies and literacy that enhances environmental education.


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How to Cite
Kuzibaevna, O. G. (2021). Analysis of Effective Ways to Develop Students’ Environmental Culture in Foreign Language Teaching. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(12), 37-43.