Eco Tourism in India: A Useful Component of Sustainable Development

  • N Rajendra Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, BSR Govt. Arts College, Alwar, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: conservation, ecotourism, wildlife, nature, sustainable, monuments, historical


Conservation of nature and environment is a very important task. Apart from environment and ecology, the local community also has an important role in eco-tourism. From this the concept of community-based ecotourism has emerged. Being an eco-friendly activity, eco-tourism aims at promoting environmental values and etiquettes and preserving nature uninterruptedly. Thus, ecotourism benefits wildlife, nature and local communities by contributing to ecological integrity. The participation of the local people in this ensures economic benefits for them, which in turn helps them to have a better standard of living and ease of living. Environment, ecology, ecosystem and tourism should complement each other only then the concept of sustainable development can be meaningful.


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How to Cite
Singh, N. R. (2021). Eco Tourism in India: A Useful Component of Sustainable Development. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(6), 105-108. Retrieved from