About Some Features of Authentic Text Materials in Teaching a Foreign Language

  • Rakhmonova Nilufar Bakhodirovna English teacher of the department "World Languages" at the Kokand University
Keywords: authentic material, authentic text material, authenticity, communicative competence, foreign language


This article examines the features of the use of authentic materials in teaching a foreign language, gives a definition of the concept of “authenticity” and “authentic materials”, provides a classification of authenticity and authentic texts, examines aspects of the use of authentic text materials and reveals the stages of organizing reading for each type of text.


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How to Cite
Rakhmonova Nilufar Bakhodirovna. (2024). About Some Features of Authentic Text Materials in Teaching a Foreign Language. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 5(1), 45-49. Retrieved from https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC/article/view/1136