• Yunusova Nilufar Maxmudjanovna Department of "Foreign Languages", Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology,
  • Axunbabayeva Nargiza Xamidjanovna Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology. senior teacher of the department of "Foreign Languages"
Keywords: specialized, manuals, cognitive, stemming, terminology, audience, interdisciplinary, professional, content, target


Technical translation is a type of specialized translation involving the translation of documents produced by technical writers (owner's manuals, user guides, etc.), or more specifically, texts which relate to technological subject areas or texts which deal with the practical application of scientific and technological information. While the presence of specialized terminology is a feature of technical texts, specialized terminology alone is not sufficient for classifying a text as "technical" since numerous disciplines and subjects that are not "technical" possess what can be regarded as specialized terminology.[1] Technical translation covers the translation of many kinds of specialized texts and requires a high level of subject knowledge and mastery of the relevant terminology and writing conventions.


1. Byrne, Jody (2006). Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 3–4.
2. Williams, J; A. Chesterman (2002). The Map: A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies. Manchester: Saint Jerome Publishing. pp. 12–13.
3. Byrne, Jody. Technical Translation. The Netherlands: Springer, 2006.
4. Larson, Mildred L., ed., Translation: Theory and Practice, Tension and Interdependence. (Binghamton: American Translators Association Scholarly Monographs, 1991).
5. Thompson, Daniel. "Theophilus Presbyter: Word and Meaning in Technical Translation." Medieval Academy of America 42.2 (1967): 313–339.
6. Finch, C. An Approach to Technical Translation: An Introductory Guide for Scientific Readers. New York: Pergamon Press, 1969.
7. Kingscott, Geoffrey. "Studies in Translatology." Perspectives 10.4 (2002): 247–255.
8. Newmark, Peter, A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall, 1988.
9. Rush Hovde, Marjorie. "Creating Procedural Discourse and Knowledge for Software Users: Beyond Translation and Transmission." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24.2 (2010): 164–205.
10. Weiss, Timothy. "Translation in a borderless world." Technical Communication Quarterly 4 (1995): 407–25.
How to Cite
Yunusova Nilufar Maxmudjanovna, & Axunbabayeva Nargiza Xamidjanovna. (2021). TECHNICAL TRANSLATION AS A TYPE OF SPECIALIZED TRANSLATION. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(5), 62-67.