Periodic functional study of military terms in our national language.

  • Palvanova Nazokat Oktambaevna German at Urgench State University
Keywords: patriot, courage, bravery, commander, military leader, homeland, warrior, trick, guide, battlefield, army, enemy


“Uzbek is one of the largest languages in the Turkic language family.  The origins of the Turkic language, as well as the Uzbek language, date back to the centuries BC.  So, since that time, this language has been developing as a Turkic language, including Uzbek.  The most developed period of this language is the XV century, the period when Hazrat Navai lived and worked.  It should be noted that our ancestor Navai laid the foundation for the written masterpieces of the Uzbek language.  The written traditions of the Uzbek language have been constantly developed by other poets and writers after Navai. ”  If the origin of the Uzbek language dates back to the centuries before our era, then military terms should be found in folklore, ancient fairy tales and epics, in the works of many of our ancient ancestors, poets and writers who lived before the time of Navoi.


Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (From the speech at the ceremony dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the official status of the Uzbek language)

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How to Cite
Palvanova Nazokat Oktambaevna. (2021). Periodic functional study of military terms in our national language. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(5), 139-144.