Poet`s Cmile

  • Pirimkulov Abdurahmon Eshankulovich Candidate of philological sciences, secretary of the scientific council of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after I.Karimov.
Keywords: synthesis, satire, space, plot, allegory, phenomenon, motive, poetics, image, hero, national calorie, pathos


This article provides a scientific analysis of the satirical works of the People’s Poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov. The poet's satirical type and image-making skills have been analyzed on the basis of a number of his humorous works.


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2. А.Орипов.Танланган асарлар. 2 томлик. 2-том. Тошкент “Шарқ” нашриёти 2021 йил.
3. М.Қўшжонов, С.Мелиев. Абдулла Орипов.Монография. Тошкент “Маънавият” нашриёти 2000 йил.
4. У.Ҳамдамов. Бадиий тафаккур тадрижи. Тошкент “Янги аср авлоди” нашриёти 2002 йил.
How to Cite
Eshankulovich, P. A. (2021). Poet`s Cmile. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(8), 38-41. https://doi.org/10.47494/cajlpc.v2i8.191