Features Interactive Technologies for Improving Creative Activity of Students

  • Jalilov Mirsaid Bektosh o'g'li Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Student of Master level
  • Rayimov Doston Abduvali o'g'li English language teacher, Xatirchi Region 31 № school, Uzbekistan
Keywords: teaching methods, objectives, efficiency and opportunities using interactive technologies, interactive methods for use in the educational process


The paper discusses the methodological features of the use of interactive methods as a means of enhancing the creative activity of students in the educational process.


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How to Cite
Bektosh o’g’li, J. M., & Abduvali o’g’li, R. D. (2021). Features Interactive Technologies for Improving Creative Activity of Students. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(8), 50-52. https://doi.org/10.47494/cajlpc.v2i8.194