The Propositions of Education and Upbringing in the Artistic and Aesthetic Heritage of Alisher Navoi

  • Egamberdiyeva Nafisa Mustafayevna Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: artistic, aesthetic heritage, perfect man, national upbringing, education, youth, culture, kindness, imagination, Allah


The article studies the main aspects of artistic and aesthetic heritage of the outstanding Turkic poet Alisher Navoi connected with the educational processes organised in our country which constitute the object of our research. It reveals the role of Navoi’s valuable literary heritage in the formation of the youth’s philosophical thinking in the context of national education and upbringing. The article also aims at presenting the aesthetic significance of the scholar’s works and the issues of educating a perfect person in both in scientific and theoretical terms.


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How to Cite
Mustafayevna, E. N. (2021). The Propositions of Education and Upbringing in the Artistic and Aesthetic Heritage of Alisher Navoi. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(9), 9-13.