Foreign Chulpan Studying

  • Dilafruz Jabborova Samarkand State University Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: jadid, jadidism, national awakening, Beautiful Turkestan, Sadoyi Turkestan, National Turkestan, autonomy


The article discusses the interest of foreign scholars in Jadid literature, especially Cholpon's work, in the 1920s in Turkey and Germany, and later in the United States. although not entirely complete, relatively objective approaches have been noted. This paves the way for the Uzbek Jadid scholars, including Cholpon-Chon, during the years of independence to produce research that provides an objective assessment of foreign Cholpan studies.


1. Khairulla Ismatullaev, "Cholpon and the world", "Journal of world literature", April 1998, p. 123.
2. Naim Karimov, "Shakespeare and Cholpon", UzAS week; July 24, 1992, p. 3.
3. The Way to World Literature // Jah. literature.- 1997.- N6.- B.168-172
4. Mahmudov G. The theme of national independence in modern literature. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan Publishing House, 1999. - 112 p.
How to Cite
Jabborova, D. (2021). Foreign Chulpan Studying. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(9), 56-60.