Fitrat - Ideological Guide of Bukhara Jadids

  • Mavluda Rakhmonova Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Researcher
Keywords: Bukhara, Jadidism, Enlightenment, E.E. Bertels, Ahmad Donish, Central Asia


Jadidism is a separate historical process in the history of our country. Their primary mission and goal was to share enlightenment with the people and to lead the nation towards a brighter future. One of the brightest representatives of such history is Fitrat. In this article, the author describes in detail the life and work of Fitrat, his efforts in the path of enlightenment.


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How to Cite
Rakhmonova, M. (2021). Fitrat - Ideological Guide of Bukhara Jadids. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(10), 93-102.