Formation of English Teacher Competence

  • Bodikov S.Zh Senior Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts and Design, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A.Buketov
Keywords: competence, professional experience, new quality, self-development, combination of skills


This article is about the  development of education in our country involves the formation through the education system of social relations that are most favorable for the development of each person and the country as a whole, the development of civil society, which involves the formation of demanded competencies of innovative behavior, the creation of flexible individual programs.

The challenges facing domestic education present fundamentally new requirements for the training of teachers. A modern teacher, able to provide flexible, individually-oriented training and education, the formation of competencies necessary for the innovative development of the country, capable of developing students' creative abilities and teaching the main skill - “the ability to learn independently”, should himself have fundamentally different educational methods compared to traditional educational process.


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How to Cite
S.Zh, B. (2021). Formation of English Teacher Competence. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(11), 7-11.