The Innovative and Practical Methods of Organizing Lessons in Pedagogical Activity

  • Allaberdieva Gulshoda Baxtiyorovna Assistant, Department of Language Teaching, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
  • Qo'chqorova Muhabbatxon Yigitaliyevna Assistant, Department of Language Teaching, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: foreign languages, , integration of cultural experience, method of teaching, pedagogical activity, special skills


At present, in connection with the trend of globalization and close interaction of different languages and cultures, a foreign language acquires special significance, as often many people have a need to communicate or conduct any activity in a foreign language. Accordingly, the need to learn a foreign language is growing and there is growing interest in method of teaching this subject. In this connection, the issue of applying new approaches and methods in the field of teaching foreign languages were acute. Along with traditional methods, there are so-called innovative methods for teaching a foreign language. This is due to the fact that the world is in constant change, the integration of cultural experience is taking place and the problem of adapting to the new conditions becomes especially urgent by expanding our knowledge of the languages and their carriers. If we turn directly to the teaching of foreign languages, the application of new technologies becomes more and more relevant. In general, innovations are applicable in the field of teaching, including a foreign language, since it is impossible to ignore the innovative component that serves as an excellent tool for the teacher.


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How to Cite
Baxtiyorovna, A. G., & Yigitaliyevna, Q. M. (2021). The Innovative and Practical Methods of Organizing Lessons in Pedagogical Activity. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(11), 98-104.