A Brief Study of Virtue Ethics in Greek Philosophy

  • Mahendra Singh Associate Professor, Philosophy, G.D. Govt. College for Women, Alwar, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: virtue, ethics, greek, philosophy, Socrates, morality, Plato, Aristotle, human, character


Virtue ethics is an approach to ethics that treats the concept of moral virtue as central. Virtue ethics is usually contrasted with two other major approaches in ethics, consequentialism and deontology, which make the goodness of outcomes of an action (consequentialism) and the concept of moral duty (deontology) central. While virtue ethics does not necessarily deny the importance of goodness of states of affairs or moral duties to ethics, it emphasizes moral virtue, and sometimes other concepts, like eudaimonia, to an extent that other ethical dispositions do not. Virtue ethics began with Socrates, and was subsequently developed further by Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. Virtue ethics refers to a collection of normative ethical philosophies that place an emphasis on being rather than doing.


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How to Cite
Singh, M. (2022). A Brief Study of Virtue Ethics in Greek Philosophy. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(1), 20-29. Retrieved from https://cajlpc.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJLPC/article/view/282