The First Translations from Uzbek into Russian, On the Formation and Development of the Uzbek School of Translation Studies

  • Naima Xabibullaevna Xaitbaeva Senior Lecturer, Interfaculty Department of the Russian Language, National university of Uzbekistan named after MirzoUlugbek the republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Translation, uzbek, russian, book, language, translator, commentary, artistic culture and achievements


This article is about the translation of the first Uzbek works into Russian. In addition, the article provides information about the name of the translated work, time of writing, the reason for translation, the translators who translated.


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3. Musaev. Q. Fundamentals of translation theory. Tashkent: Fan, 2005
4. Barxudarov L. S. Yazikiperevod, IMO, 1975.
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How to Cite
Xaitbaeva, N. X. (2022). The First Translations from Uzbek into Russian, On the Formation and Development of the Uzbek School of Translation Studies. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(3), 26-28. Retrieved from