Rules for Using the Verb in a 把“Bǎ”Sentence

  • Artikova Ziyoda Zaynitdinovna Lecturer at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Keywords: verb, parts of speech, singular verb, preposition, result


The 把 “bǎ” sentence is one of the most common sentences in Chinese. In its usual sentence structure, the preposition “把 “bǎ” in sentence “把” serves as a grammatical tool that serves to occupy the position between the possessive and the participle of the filler.

In this work, we have examined in detail the parts of speech before or after the verb in 把 “bǎ”, for example, the complement used to determine the postpositive state of 补语, the loads of “了” and “着”, the arrival of the verb after the verb, and other issues. We have worked on only one part of the sentence 把  “bǎ” in Chinese, so the research needs to be continued.


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How to Cite
Zaynitdinovna, A. Z. (2022). Rules for Using the Verb in a 把“Bǎ”Sentence. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(6), 5-9. Retrieved from