Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in EFL Classes

  • Fotima Rafikova Lecturers of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: critical thinking, reading newspapers


This article provides a brief overview of critical thinking, the definitions of the concept of critical thinking, the elements of the formation of critical thinking, its principles, as well as practical issues related to the ways of developing critical thinking among students through reading newspapers in English classes.


1. Arnold M. (2006). Culture and Anarchy. USA: Oxford University Press.
2. Ennis R. H. (1996). Critical Thinking. New York: Prentice Hall, 1996.
3. Halpern D. (2000) Psychology of critical thinking. St. Petersburg.
4. Hayes D. (2014). Let’s stop trying to teach students critical thinking // The Conversation. 2014.
5. Jeong M. (2012). Developing Critical Literacy through English Newspaper Articles for High-Intermediate EFL Students in Korea // A Master’s Paper in TESOL. River Falls, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 2012.
How to Cite
Rafikova, F. (2022). Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in EFL Classes. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(6), 14-17. Retrieved from