Interpretation of Polysemy in Compiling Bilingual Dictionaries of English and Uzbek Languages

  • Shahnoza Nashirova Senior Lecturer of Karshi State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: bilingual dictionary, polysemy, polysemous words, lexical interpretation of words, semantic classification of words


Lexicographers have to deal with a number of problems in compiling bilingual dictionaries. The most burning issues of lexicography are connected with the selection of headwords, the arrangement and the content of the vocabulary entry, the principles of definitions and semantic classification of words, polysemous words, synonymous words etc. There are also cases when a bilingual dictionary is created through a bilingualisation of an existing monolingual dictionary. Although it seems to a simple task, it will actually require more skills and efforts to turn a fully-fledged monoligual dictionary into a bilingual one than to fashion a bilingual dictionary from a semi-finished product. This article will discuss lexical interpretation of polysemous words in the compiling bilingual “Uzbek-English, English-Uzbek dictionaries” which is one of the most important issues in Modern Lexicography.


1. Apresian, Yuri. 1974. Regular polysemy. In: Linguistics.
2. Добровольский, Дмитрий О. 2000. Полисемия // Энциклопедия «Кругосвет»
How to Cite
Nashirova, S. (2022). Interpretation of Polysemy in Compiling Bilingual Dictionaries of English and Uzbek Languages. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(6), 18-21. Retrieved from