The role of sectoral lexis in the development of the formal language.

  • Bakhodirova Gulruh Bakhodirovna Senior Lecturer, Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Pedagogical Institute of Karshi State University
Keywords: Vocabulary, language, system, industry vocabulary, terminology, language units, embroidery vocabulary, common words.


In world linguistics, the interest and need to study the terminological units that make up a large part of the human linguistic reserve, expressing concepts related to specific fields and serving as a basis for communication between experts in this field, has been growing since the middle of the twentieth century. One of the most important issues in linguistics today, which is required by the social environment, is the study of the lexicon of these fields. The study of terminology is of general scientific importance. Advanced terminological systems are important features of advanced literary languages.

There is a need to study terminological systems in world linguistics. Indeed, with the development of science and technology, the infinite flow of information can radically change the world of humanity, and today there is an activity of terminological units. There is a growing tendency among people to engage in sectoral dialogue.


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How to Cite
Bakhodirova Gulruh Bakhodirovna. (2022). The role of sectoral lexis in the development of the formal language. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(6), 94-98. Retrieved from