Using Foreign Experience in the Development of Digital Technologies in Uzbekistan

  • Makhmudjon Ikramov Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan
  • Zamira Davlatova Senior Lecturer, Department of E-Commerce and Digital Economy, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan
Keywords: professional communication, professional discourse, institutional type, semiotic system, communicative interaction


The article discusses foreign experience in the development of digital technologies. The analyzed trends in the development of digital technologies in Uzbekistan, in modern conditions, the latest technologies make it possible to increase the efficiency of production business processes. Traditional approaches and ways of working are changing as new technologies penetrate into new industries and areas of life. Now in Uzbekistan, investment in IT accounts for only 6.5% of total private investment, which is about two times less than the average for Western European countries, and four times less than in the United States. It is concluded that the share of Uzbekistan in the global consumption of ICT in the corporate sector is 1%, while the same indicator for the UK is 7%, China - 6%, and Germany - 5%.


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How to Cite
Ikramov, M., & Davlatova, Z. (2022). Using Foreign Experience in the Development of Digital Technologies in Uzbekistan. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(6), 151-156. Retrieved from