The Usage of Communicative Language Teaching in Class

  • Khusanova Muhabbat Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
Keywords: communicative language teaching, didactic games, methods, songs, poems, interviews, opinion sharing


In this abstract, there are considered that usage of communicative language teaching in class, especially English. Moreover, there are some interesting didactic games for teaching communicative language. In addition to, there is given some methods of communicative language teaching.


1. Brown G. Teaching the spoken language: An approach based on the analysis of conversational English. - New York: Cambridge University press, 1993.-325 p.
2. Boostrom R. Developing creative and critical thinking. - Illinois: National Textbook Company, 1994.-257 p.
3. Dörnyei Z., Kormos J. Problem-solving mechanisms in L2 communication: A psycholinguistic perspective. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. - Washington D.C: The US Government Printing Office, 2005. - 249 p.
4. Fernandes R. Developing Project Works in the English Classroom// The English. - New York: Longman, 2007. - P.26-30
5. Johnson K. Understanding language teaching: Reasoning in action- Boston: Heinle, 1999 - 298p.
6. Hubbard P., Jones H., Thornton B. A training course for TEFL. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.-367 p.
How to Cite
Muhabbat, K. (2022). The Usage of Communicative Language Teaching in Class. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(7), 27-30. Retrieved from