Means of Artistic Expression in Ernest Hemingway’s Works

  • Farmanova Mamura SamSIFL, 2nd year master student
  • Aminova Nargiza SamSIFL, Senior teacher
Keywords: prose, style, Iceberg theory, expressive means, intertextuality, subtextual, character, allusions, generality, universality, prototext, reminiscence


The article discusses expressive means of E.Hemingway’s writing style of stories. Iceberg theory and intertextuality are studied in the writer’s works as the main artistic peculiarities on the base of some of Hemingway’s stories in this paper. Different similarities and peculiarities of the writer’s style are analyzed among his works as well. Post-structuralist theorists Yulia Kristeva and famous literarian I.V. Arnold’s some investigations of Hemingway’s prose are presented in the article as well.


1. Hemingway E. In Our Time. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1925.-156 с.
2. Hemingway E. Selected Stories. M., 1971. - 398 с.
3. Hemingway E. Cat in the Rain. The First Forty-Nine Stories. - London: Arrow Books, 2004. - 862 с.
4. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. М., 1999. - 351 с.
5. Кристева Ю. Избранные труды. Разрушение поэтики. М., 2004. - 656 с.
6. Лидский Ю.Я. Творчество Э. Хемингуэя. Киев, 1973. - 436 с.
7. Русова Н.Ю. Терминологический словарь-тезаурус по литературоведению. От аллегории до ямба. М. 2004. - 304 с.
How to Cite
Mamura, F., & Nargiza, A. (2022). Means of Artistic Expression in Ernest Hemingway’s Works. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(11), 62-65. Retrieved from