The essence of language in philology, logic and psychology

  • Khakimova Mastura Fayzillaevna Teacher, Termez branch of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Keywords: language, communication, expression, meaning, language of gestures


Interest in language, how it originated, how it works and develops, has existed from time immemorial. For a long time, the word “language” was a general notion used to mean the entire communicative means of man. For many, this was the broadest way of regarding language. Whatever earlier approaches to the nature of languages there have been, we realize now that language is a product of human society and can exist only in human society.

      The origin of language is hidden in the depths of antiquity. But even the ancient civilized peoples, driven by the thirst for knowledge, tried to answer the question: how did language originate? Man’s search for the origin of language is deeply rooted. These inquiring spirits were driven by a desire to discover the entire history of language. As we have pointed out, the first impulse in Ancient Greece to understand the origin of language was based not on scientific research but on general philosophical premises.


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Ulmann S Semantics an introduction to the science of meaning, oxford 1962, 103p.

Stern G. “Meaning and change of meaning with Special Reference to the English Language”, Goteborg 1932. 215p.

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Akhmanova O “Lexicology: Theory and Method” moskov 1972, 304p.

Galperin I.R. “Stylistics” M. 1971.241p.

Leech G.H “Semantics” London 1974 324p.

Chafe, Wallace L. “Meaning and The structure of Language” 171p.

Lyons, John “Semantics” London 1979. 254p.

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Leech “ Geoffrey N “Towards a Semantic Description of English language” London,1969. 356p.

David Crystal “Linguistic encyclopedia” New York 1994, 107p.

How to Cite
Khakimova Mastura Fayzillaevna. (2021). The essence of language in philology, logic and psychology. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(2), 1-7.