Linguistic Simplicity of Aphorisms in English and Uzbek

  • Akramov Izzatulla Ikromovich Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Keywords: aphorism, special factors, depository, notions of time, spatial relationships


The article expresses on the one hand profound interest in learning the syntactic peculiarities of aphorisms in discourse, on the other hand it gives a detailed analysis of the semantic features of them in discourse in English and Uzbek. The purpose of the study is to establish and describe aspects and differential features of the pragmatic qualification of an aphorism as a verbal means of expressing general judgments and universal generalization of reality in the form of a phrase (phrasal text). The research methods are heuristic, descriptive, taxonomic, generalization, analysis and synthesis.


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How to Cite
Ikromovich, A. I. (2022). Linguistic Simplicity of Aphorisms in English and Uzbek. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(12), 39-43. Retrieved from