The Influence of Creative Idea and Symbolism

  • Shukurova Sabokhat Odilovna Teacher, Department of Interfaculty English, Karshi State University
Keywords: symbolism, mythological story, metaphor, narrative, unreal life, fantasy-fiction, precious pearl - inequality, selfishness


In this article, the influence and example of high artistic creations, which determine the weight of John Steinbeck's work, is about the mythological story "Pearl", which interprets the processes of interpretation of the person and society in the context of artistic authenticity. In it, the issue of conflict between ordinary people and the world of interests and desires is written. In this work, the priceless pearl - inequality, self-interest, violence, wealth and poverty, death, etc., has been raised to a metaphorical level.


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How to Cite
Odilovna, S. S. (2022). The Influence of Creative Idea and Symbolism. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(12), 192-194.