The Study of the Phenomenon of Graduality in Linguistics

  • Shaxnoza Sharipova Teacher, Department of interfaculty English, Karshi State University
Keywords: Graduality, synonymy, antonymy, graduonymic series, dynamic stress, phonetic, morphological, lexical method


This article is devoted to the study of graduonymy in linguistics, as well as the study of the manifestation of graduonymy at different levels of language, as well as the analysis of the phenomenon of graduality in linguistics by clarifying the meaning of the word degree in linguistics. Information such as the increase or decrease of a degree sign relative to a norm or a particular situation, the fact that quality is a quantitative change, and that it occurs in the human mind and is expressed in language are reflected in this article.


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How to Cite
Sharipova, S. (2022). The Study of the Phenomenon of Graduality in Linguistics. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(12), 200-203.