Lingo-Poetic Analysis of the Translations of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116

  • Kuchiboev Mansur Abdumurotovich Teacher of the Samarkand State Architectural - Civil Engineering University
Keywords: Sonnet, lexical-stylistic transformation, communicative purpose, composition, tendency, cognitive function, emotional and expressive effect


In the article, the goal of the article is to study the cognitive dissonance and re-creation of the author's purpose in the translations of Shakespeare's sonnets, translated directly from English by the Uzbek poet Jamal Kamal, and the lexical- stylistic transformations that occurred in the process of creating translation equivalents by comparing the original, Russian and Uzbek texts.


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How to Cite
Abdumurotovich, K. M. (2023). Lingo-Poetic Analysis of the Translations of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 9-15.