The Semantic Structure of English Phraseological Units with Proper Nouns

  • Rakhmanova Makhfuza Saparaliyevna O'zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti, katta o'qituvchi
  • Baxtiyorova Maftunaxon Toxirjon qizi O'zbekiston Davlat Jahon Tillari Universiteti, 2-kurs magistranti
Keywords: Phraseological units, proper nouns, characters traits, female proper nouns, male proper nouns


The semantic structure of English phraseological units with proper nouns is discussed in this article. The author presents phraseological units that name the personal characteristics, quantitative terms and the names of character traits. The phraseological units with male proper nouns and female proper nouns are given with some examples.


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How to Cite
Saparaliyevna, R. M., & qizi, B. M. T. (2023). The Semantic Structure of English Phraseological Units with Proper Nouns. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 87-92.