The Linguo-Pragmatic and Linguo-Cultural Features of Contemporary French Dialogues

  • Otamurodova D. Senior teacher of the French language department of applied sciences At the Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: reflection, linguo-pragmatic and linguo-culturological features, modern French dialogue, Internet spaces, electronic media


In the context of globalization, cultural identity is becoming increasingly important: on the one hand, globalization contributes to the blurring of boundaries and generates unified patterns; on the other hand, as a response to the globalization challenge, “multiple” identities arise, interest in regionalization grows, and “glocalization” processes are launched. In complex cultural processes, the destruction of old forms of identity and the formation of new cultural meanings are inevitably observed. In this regard, there is a growing need for regional studies of traditional cultures at the present stage, as well as for the study of the cultural identity of individual countries that make up these regions, in order to prevent the incitement of a world civilized conflict. At the same time, the reflection of the French national and cultural identity in the French-speaking Internet space and in the electronic media of France has not been studied in detail on the basis of the linguo-pragmatic and linguo-culturological features of modern French dialogues, which is the reason for the author's appeal to this topic with his article.


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How to Cite
D., O. (2023). The Linguo-Pragmatic and Linguo-Cultural Features of Contemporary French Dialogues. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 93-96.