The Influence of Eastern Peripateticism on the Formation of IBN Rushd’s Doctrine of “Two Truths”

  • Iroda Rikhsivaevna Ikramova Department of Oriental Philosophy and Culture TDSHU Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Ibn Rushd, Abu Nasr Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Miskawayh, Two Truths, religion, philosophy


The spiritual harmony of the medieval East and West, as a special necessity, created such personalities who were able to unite several continents at once. For example, the great Arab-Spanish philosopher Ibn Rushd is not only a great philosopher but also a bridge connecting Africa and Asia, Asia and Europe, and Christianity and Islam. Moreover, Europe rediscovered itself thanks to Ibn Rushd. Having translated the works of the great Greek philosophers from Arabic into Spanish, he introduced the European peoples to the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, the founders of Greek culture. And in Averroism, for the first time, embers of knowledge and reason were revealed. This scientific thinking led to the emergence of such great intellectuals as Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz. Ibn Rushd is the last major representative of the Eastern school of peripateticism associated with the term “philosophy” in the medieval Muslim world.

This article highlights the point of view of Ibn Rushd that religion and philosophy are parallel to each other and that they are the result of the same phenomena as mutually equal logical views that do not contradict each other. The theoretical and ideological foundations of Ibn Rushd’s concept of “Two Truths”, based on these conclusions, are presented. Also presented and comparatively analyzed are issues of concern to both philosophers and theologians, with various opinions about the harmony of religion and philosophy. We believe that the ideas of medieval philosophers can still influence the controversy between religion and philosophy.


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How to Cite
Ikramova, I. R. (2023). The Influence of Eastern Peripateticism on the Formation of IBN Rushd’s Doctrine of “Two Truths”. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 194-204.