The Best Methods of Teaching Englush Blind and Visually Impaired

  • Fayzieva Zuhra Master Student, At the Uzbekistan State World Languages University
  • Sharipova Yokut Kudratillaevna Senior Lecturer, At the Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: innovative technique, audio-lingual method, conscious-comparative method, listening, technology


The article reveals the basics of an innovative methodology for teaching English for the blind and visually impaired, which has been tested in the process of teaching visually impaired people; a theoretical substantiation of two organically complementary audio-lingual and conscious-comparative methods is given and approaches to their practical implementation are revealed through the use of a complex of various means, including interactive techniques, audio recordings, computer and game technologies and other means that have positively proven themselves in the learning experience blind and visually impaired English.


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How to Cite
Zuhra, F., & Kudratillaevna, S. Y. (2023). The Best Methods of Teaching Englush Blind and Visually Impaired. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(3), 90-95.