Motive of Fear in the Novel “Lord of the Flies” of William Golding

  • Shorena Vakhtangishvili Telavi Iakob Gogebashvili State University Doctor of philology departmant of Humanity
Keywords: Specific totalitarianism, motive of fear, ethical, analysis, construction, destructive, atavistic, allegoric, global, cult, existential.


William Golding is a famous representative of the 20th century English literature. “Lord of the Flies” is one of the most distinguished work from his creations, which represents the sample of specific fable. Number of problems are presented in the novel, such as: totalitarianism containing threat, the motive of fear, the analysis of public and ethical issues that begins and develops from the moment when the children find oneself on the uninhabited island without their parents after the plane crash, in such circumstances adapting with independence causes feelings which contains fear for children alone, which gradually develops, spreads and gets a particular look.


R. Fowler (1993) A Dictionary of Modern critical Terms. London and Boston.
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Harold Bloom (2008) William Golding’s Lord of the Flies (Bloom’s modern critical interpretations). InfoBase publishing.
Raychel Haugrud Reiff, (2009). William Golding Lord of the Flies, Marshall Cavendish.
How to Cite
Shorena Vakhtangishvili. (2023). Motive of Fear in the Novel “Lord of the Flies” of William Golding. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(9), 75-77. Retrieved from