Assignment of Particles with Auxiliary Words

  • Kakhkhorova Gulruh Shavkatovna Doctoral student of Bukhara State University
Keywords: discourse, communication-relationship, pure and assigned, particle, connecting, auxiliary


This article explains that particle forms a function with auxiliary and connecting words that are close to it in function. The article notes that particle is no exception, since the feature of transition to each other between auxiliary words, performing the function of one of them, is characteristic of all auxiliary words. This is based on the fact that they serve to connect word to word or sentence to sentence, giving them additional meaning. The article also analyzes 4 aspects that combine the auxiliary word with particle in one category: first, both of them help to connect words with words. Only the auxiliary word is subordinate to the word, and particle is equal to; secondly, they both tend to attach meaning; third, in the content and formal structure of the sentence it is combined with the word with which it is syntactically associated, indicating a separate implicit premise; fourth, they differ in that they cannot be a separate part of the sentence in the sentence of which they are a part, and they impart a unique logical meaning, complicating the meaningful structure of the sentence.


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How to Cite
Kakhkhorova Gulruh Shavkatovna. (2023). Assignment of Particles with Auxiliary Words. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(9), 136-148. Retrieved from