Psychogenic Factors of Aggressive Behavior in Children

  • Bakhramova Abira Abdullaevna SamSU, Senior Lecturer, Department of General Psychology
Keywords: aggression, aggressive impulses, children's behavior, psychological and pedagogical measures


One of the main problems in defining aggression is that the term covers a wide variety of actions. When people characterize someone as aggressive, they may say that he habitually insults others, or that he is often unfriendly, or that he, although quite strong, tries to do things his own way, or perhaps that he is a strong advocate. his beliefs, or, perhaps, without fear he rushes into the maelstrom of insoluble problems.



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How to Cite
Bakhramova Abira Abdullaevna. (2023). Psychogenic Factors of Aggressive Behavior in Children. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(12), 186-189. Retrieved from