Analysis Of Historical Titles Given to Positions and Ranks In The Kokand Khanate

  • Khalilova Nilufar PhD candidate Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: Anthroponymy, Anthroponym, Name, Title, Historical Title, Position, Rank, Titles Attributed To Positions And Ranks, Lexical Basis, Negative Meaning, Positive Meaning, Structure, Model, Compound Titles, Complex Titles


The anthropomymic units characteristic of the Kokand Khanate era—names, patronyms, titles, pseudonyms, and attributions—are widely and actively used in historical sources, especially in historiographical works. This article presents a lexical-semantic and structural classification and analysis of the historical titles, specifically those attributed to positions and ranks, which were actively used and occupy a significant place in the anthroponymy of this period, reaching us through historical works. The sociolinguistic and linguocultural characteristics of these titles are highlighted based on evidence.


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How to Cite
Khalilova Nilufar. (2024). Analysis Of Historical Titles Given to Positions and Ranks In The Kokand Khanate. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 5(7), 276-282. Retrieved from