The Emergence of Bibliography in Central Asia

  • Goyibova Sayyora Usmonovna Teacher of Namangan state university
Keywords: bibliographer, Bibliography, term, activity, library, book, publication


This article provides detailed information about the emergence, development, functions, bibliographic activity, bibliographic activity processes, bibliographic terms, publication forms and their features.


1. Bibliographic work in the library: organization and methodology: textbook / Ed. O.P. Korshunov. - M.: “Book Chamber” publishing house, 1990. – P. 254
2. Vaneev A.N. Librarianship. Theory. Methodology. Practice: on the occasion of the author's 80th birthday. - SPb.: KasBibliography- 2004. – P.52
3. Kartashov N.S. General library science: a textbook for students. high. study.institutions: at 2 o'clock / N.S. Kartashov, V.V. Skvortsov. - M.: Moscow. State University of Culture, 2002. - Volume 1: Theoretical foundations of librarianship. – P.16
4. Kartashov NS Comparative librarianship: A textbook for students. high. learning.institutions. - M.; Profizdat, - 2000. – P.26
5. Kogotkov D. Bibliographic activity of the library: organization, technology, management: textbook / D.Ya. Kogotkov. - Bibliography: Profession, 2005. – P.41
6. Matulsky R. General library science: a study guide for universities. - Liberia, - 2004. – P.12
7. Morgenstern I.G Librarianship and Bibliography // Sov. library science. - 1986.-No. 1.-P. 99-104.
How to Cite
Usmonovna, G. S. (2022). The Emergence of Bibliography in Central Asia. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 3(12), 67-70. Retrieved from