Applying the Heritage of the Folk Masters in Art Courses

  • Norqulova Dildor Uchqunovna Assistant of the Faculty of Sports Activities, Samarkand State University
Keywords: painting, engraving, wood carving, kumgon, selabcha, Islamic elements on a blue background, architectural art, sozanas


The potential and didactic foundations of growing students' knowledge and abilities, which are regarded a key aspect of contemporary education, are presented in this essay through the utilization of folk masters' legacy in practical art lessons.


1. S. Bulatov. O‘zbek xalq amaliy bezak san’ati. Toshkent-1991 yil. 68-bet
2. M. Pritsa «Toshkent ganchkorligi» 17-bet
3. Badiiy adabiyotlar nashriyoti. 1960 yil. 58-bet
4. S. Bulatov. O‘zbekiston san’ati tarixi. Toshkent 1991 yil. 12-16 betlar
5. T. Abdullayev XIX-XX asrlarda O‘zbekiston kandakorlik san’ati. Toshkent 1994 yil. 86- bet
6. R. Xasanov. Amaliy bezak san’ati metodikasi. Toshkent 2003 yil. 30-bet
7. М.Т.Семенова “Народное искусство и его проблемы”. M., 1977 год..117 cтр.
8. Q.Q.Qosimov. “Naqqoshlik”. T: O‘qituvchi, 1990 yil. 97 bet.
9. С.А.Соловев “Декоративное оформление”. M, 1987 год. 56 cтр.
10. S.S.Bulatov “Ganchkorlik va naqqoshlik yog‘och o‘ymakorligi atamalariga izoxli lug‘at”. Toshkent: Mehnat, 1991 yil. 89 bet.
11. S.S.Bulatov, Xaydarov. M. “Xunarmandchilik duolari”. Toshkent: 1994 yil. 60 bet.
12. S.S.Bulatov “O‘zbekiston halq amaliy bezak san’ati”. T: Mehnat, 1991 yil. 384 bet.
How to Cite
Uchqunovna, N. D. (2023). Applying the Heritage of the Folk Masters in Art Courses. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 16-18.