Development of Mechanisms of Professional Training of Future Physical Education Teachers

  • Akhmedov Golibjon Gulomovich Doctoral student at the Namangan State University, Namangan city
Keywords: professional training, physical education teacher, development, ew forms and technologies of teaching, scientific developments


this article gives the development of mechanisms for the professional training of future teachers of physical culture. The lack of relationship between professional education, research and practical activities leads to the fact that scientific developments in the field of physical culture and sports are not embodied in new forms and technologies of education. This study in the article does not exhaust all aspects of the problem under consideration related to the modernization of one of the areas of higher education. - training of teachers of physical culture.


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How to Cite
Gulomovich, A. G. (2023). Development of Mechanisms of Professional Training of Future Physical Education Teachers. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 74-78.