Simultaneous Interpretation Norms for Simplifying Texts in the Target Language

  • Muydinov Jamshidbek Orifjon o’g’li Master’s student of the faculty, Simultaneous translation, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
  • Khamidov Alisher Akhmatovich Senior Lecturer at Department of English language Translation Theory Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: simultaneous interpretation, interpretation norms, escort and court interpreting, analogues in interpreting


The ultimate goal of this publication work is to analyse the category of,, norms of simultaneous interpretation”, the usage of it in simplifying in target language texts.


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How to Cite
o’g’li, M. J. O., & Akhmatovich, K. A. (2023). Simultaneous Interpretation Norms for Simplifying Texts in the Target Language. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(1), 84-86.