Cultural Life in the Emirates and Khanates of Kokan, Khiva, Bukhara in the 16th-18th Centuries

  • Zoirova Maxarram Yoqubovna In preschool and elementary schools department of distance education
Keywords: Culture, enlightenment, poems, works, scientific conferences


Central Asian countries were surrounded by internal conflicts during this period, but there were some changes in cultural life. Economic trade developed, madrassas, libraries, educational buildings were built. The peoples of Central Asia mainly spoke Turkic and Persian languages. Ethnically close ethnic groups lived here. But among the people there were relatively few literate people. Famous writers described the events of that period in detailed books. Once upon a time, there was no common educational center like "Bait-ul-Hikma", but many changes were taking place in the cultural and educational sphere.


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2. Mirziyoev Sh. M. Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should be the daily rule of every leader's activity. Report at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, January 14, 2017, dedicated to the main results of socio-economic development of our country in 2016 and the most important priorities of the economic program for 2017. - Tashkent: "Uzbekistan", 2017. - 43 p.
3. Sh. Mirziyoev's interview with the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "New Uzbekistan" newspaper "New Uzbekistan" No. 165 2021
4. Tajibaev, M. A., & Rashidova, B. Y. (2022). THE CONCEPTS OF SUSTAINABILITY AND INSTABILITY IN SYNERGETICS ARE AN IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE. Scientific progress, 3(3), 930-933.
5. Tajibaev, M. A., & Rashidova, B. Y. (2022). CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT OF SYNERGETICS. Scientific progress, 3(3), 938-941.
6. "The old work has become history" New Uzbekistan newspaper 166 August 18, 2021. 3 pages
7. "I am pleased with the attention" "Jizzakh reality newspaper" No. 73. September 7, 2021, page 2.
8. Risqul Siddikov "Future Strategy of New Uzbekistan" "The Truth of Jizzakh" No. 22, March 16, 2022
How to Cite
Yoqubovna, Z. M. (2023). Cultural Life in the Emirates and Khanates of Kokan, Khiva, Bukhara in the 16th-18th Centuries. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(2), 34-36.