The Role of Oral and Written Speech in the Development of Communicative Competence

  • Jurabekova Xabiba Madaminovna Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature of the Andijan Machine – Building Institute, The city of Andijan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: competence, control dictation, training, russian language, literacy, written and oral speech


The author of the article reflects on the role of oral and written speech of students in the development of communicative competence. The author points out that for the development and strengthening of oral and written speech of secondary school students, academic lyceums and professional colleges, various types of written work should be used. One of them is dictation. Dictation is carried out in the form of daily and intermediate control in order to improve literacy and verify, consolidate knowledge, skills, and skills of students. Dictation is divided into educational and control dictation. To increase the effectiveness of the educational innovation system, it is necessary that students receive information at the maximum level of capabilities. The process of teaching the Russian language is mainly aimed at improving literacy and developing students' communication skills.


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How to Cite
Madaminovna, J. X. (2023). The Role of Oral and Written Speech in the Development of Communicative Competence. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(3), 40-45.