Environmental Awareness with Reference to Vedas and Puranas: A Study

  • Dr. Haripada Mahapatra Asst. Professor (Teacher-in-Charge), Department of Sanskrit, Sankrail Anil Biswas Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Jhargram
Keywords: environment, awareness


The environment, which is everything that naturally surrounds us and influences how we live our everyday lives on earth, is something that we are all very acquainted with. Everything, including the oxygen we breathe, the water we use on a daily basis, and the vegetation, creatures, and other living things in our immediate surroundings, is a part of our environment. There has been a constant reliance on environment ever since man first appeared on the planet. Humans have never been able to dominate their surroundings, and this is true even today. Instead, they are heavily affected and governed by natural occurrences. This study aims at exploring the environment conservation as presented in the ancient Literatures; study the environmental awareness as found in the Vedas. It also discusses the environmental awareness as found in the Puranas.


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How to Cite
Mahapatra, D. H. (2023). Environmental Awareness with Reference to Vedas and Puranas: A Study. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(3), 96-100. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SBN9C