Before School Age Education for Children to Give Competence Approach

  • Sadikova Yulduz Kamolovna Uzbekistan-Finland pedagogy institute Before school education faculty "Preschool education theory and methodology" department, assistant
  • Gaffarova Iroda Student, Uzbekistan-Finland pedagogy institute Before school education faculty Before school education direction
Keywords: methodical, pedagogical, psychological, competence, children


Before school of education quality and efficiency in reaching of children diary activities meaningful and interesting organize to reach , empty of times fruitful use skills _ determination and so on to the process creative approach , guys for conducted training and sources children and society needs answer giving to the situation to bring in order to rational and systematic analysis to do in the eye holds _ Of this for innovative of methods one from the "Case- stadi " technology before school education also use in the organization the children active education to get encourages . This method to apply through educator the child given to the question right answer to give teaches.


1. Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the state standard of preschool education and upbringing" VMQ No. 802. December 22, 2020. .
2. The "First Step" state curriculum was approved and published by the decision of the board meeting No. 4 of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 7, 2018.
3. State requirements for the early development of preschool children .
4. Parmonov BE (2018) Psychological aspects of foreign experiences in raising children in preschool education organization. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal. Page 350.
5. archive . long _ ziya _ net
How to Cite
Kamolovna, S. Y., & Iroda, G. (2023). Before School Age Education for Children to Give Competence Approach. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4(6), 122-126. Retrieved from